Widgets are the building blocks used to create StickyApps Sections. You can combine any set of Widgets on a page. We recommend keeping the number of Widgets per Section low in order to limit confusion and to keep the design clean.
StickyApps Widgets include:
Heading - (Page title/headline) Use this to grab attention. Heading Widget
Subheading - (Text that goes below Heading) A great place to put a call to action or additional descriptors. Subheading Widget
Text block - Use this to describe or give information about the business. This box supports a limited amount of markup code to create emphasis. Text Block
Table Widget - Easily align text in a table format. Table Widget
Services Widget - Text with a spot for a centered image over the text. Service widgets work best in groups of three. Services Widget
Testimonial Widget - Image, text and signature formated to provide an endorsement, recommendation or other feedback. Testimonial Widget
Button Widget - Creates a button that you can use to link out to any online resource (URL), email, phone number, or online map location. Button Widget
Separator Widget - This creates a line and space between widgets in a section. Seperator Widget
Social Sharing Widget - Links Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, or email accounts to your StickyApps. Social Sharing Widget
Image Widget - Used for single images on a page, you can add a title descripton and even a link out for the image. Image Widget
Video Widget - Embed Video to a page. Video Widget
Gallery Widget - Creates a gallery when you load four or more images. Each image can have a title and description text that will show when viewed individually. Gallery Widget
Vendor Widget - Creates a contact card for another business or person, allows for contact details such as address, phone, and website, description text and images. Vendor Widget
Calendar Widget - Embed a calendar feed from Airbnb or VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) Shows availblity only. Calendar Widget
Scorestream Widget - Embed your scorestream live feed in the app for sports. ScoreStream Widget
Some suggested Widget combinations include:
Heading - SubHeading - Text Block
Service - Service - Service
Heading -Sub Heading - Gallery Widget
Heading - Buttons for Contact Information
Heading - Testimonial - Testimonial