The vendor widget that can be used to showcase another business with in a StickyApp website. You can use the widget to list details within an app or to create a business guide (Wedding Vendor Guide), or a guide for a local event - such as a farmers market or networking group.
The widget has 10 information sections. Each area is optional
1. Vendor Thumbnail - an image that represents the business. Either a logo or head shot of the business owner. It is cropped to a circle and you should load a square image 400x400 pixels
2. Vendor Name - Business name - or contact name
3. Show in Menu - You can make each vendor widget a menu item, to turn this on click on the button. The best practice is to not list each business in the menu.
4. Address - Business address
5. Google Maps URL - Link to the business listing on Google Maps
6. Email - Email for the business listed
7. Phone - Phone number for the business listed
8. Website - Business website url
9. Description - Brief description of the business
10. Coupon Text - If there is an offer this is where you would like the offer
11. Photo Gallery - small gallery of images that reflect the business