Welcome to StickyApps!
The Knowledge Base that you are viewing now is an excellent resource to help you troubleshoot and learn about the various features available within the StickyApps Builder. However, it is not your only source of support.
Your membership includes access to a variety of additional resources to get your questions answered.
- First and foremost, the StickyApps Bootcamp course will teach you everything you need to get your StickyApps business up and running.
- If you need technical support, check out our online Knowledge Base (that's what you are looking at now).
- If you don't find an answer to your question there, email us at support@getstickyapps.com. This includes both traditional tech support as well as support on how to be succeed with StickyApps (e.g. questions on marketing, selling an App, talking to a small business, etc).
- If you are looking to get advice and inspiration from fellow classmates, visit our private StickyApps Bootcamp Facebook Group (highly recommended!).
- Finally, did you know your membership includes between one and four complimentary one-on-one coaching calls per month? If you have not yet had a coaching call, email support@getstickyapps.com for more information on how to sign up.
We are thrilled that you have joined the StickyApps community and wish you success!