If you do not like the message Please open on your mobile device. that displays when the site is shared on Facebook, you can change this message. Read here on how to change the Social Sharing Message

Note: If you have already shared the url on Facebook you will want to clear the Facebook Cache, if when you share you do not see the updated message.

If your new message did not show when shared on Facebook, you will need to clear the cache.  Facebook has a fairly long cache of data and to implement changes can take from ten days to two weeks, the process below should speed things up.

If you would like to see your updated message when sharing, on Facebook, please try the following steps.

1. Delete the link you posted on Facebook.

2. Go to the Facebook Developers Debug Tool:  http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug

3. Copy and paste the link to the StickyAlbum you are refreshing into the box and click "Debug."

The tool will show you diagnostics on the URL that you can ignore.

4. Paste the link to your StickyAlbum again.