The sub-domain is url that is hosted by StickyApps, on the url It looks something like, a sub-domain is automatically assigned to your site when you create your StickyApp.

This domain is best used when you are first creating a website and want to view how the site looks, but are not yet ready to set up the custom domain.

Since the url first created when using a template can be logn you are able to edit this and use another sub-domain (if it's avaible).

To change the sub-domain:

1. Click on the App details section of your app.

2. You can change the Then change the text in the box before the words

3. If there is a green check box next to your url - then the url is valid.

If the url is not available the builder will tell you by placing a small red x next to the box.  

4. Publish the app to have your new domain selection take effect. Unlike custom domains the update is immediate.

Note if you change the sub-domain after you have shared your site, the orginal url will stop working.